What I Am Passionate About
I love all forms of the Arts, writing, and advocating for people's human rights.
Peace, Love, Skittles, Freedom and Luck o' the Irish
Rock n Roll
The Trains are ALL MINE
That includes, ofc, all actual trains on rails. The trucking industry is one big huge train that stops everywhere, and the overseas shipping industry is one too. Planes are another thing altogether, and I told Sydney he could do whatever he wants with the drones. I don't control him, tho.... so yea, he does what he wants to. This is a FREEWILL universe (or multiverse or w'evs)
Peace trolleys 4ever
Peace is kewl, peace is fun, peace is not a loaded gun. Peace is NOT boring. Peace = True Love. Peace = Friendship. Peace = Justice
ITS TOO LATE to turn back now.... I believe..... I believe, I believe I'm falling in love....
Trains do NOT stop on a dime, kids. You might wanna stay off live tracks and watch out for the cowcatcher
The Arts
The arts are wonderful. I am a Jane of the Arts. I do watercolor paintings, drawings in all kinds of media, music (drumming and singing), stepdancing, and some forms of the arcane arts.
My rendition of "Without Me" -- I changed some of the lyrics to suit myself
I write in many different genres, including different kinds of fiction, poetry, non-fiction. I have to write. It isn't a choice for me.
...oh, and how's this for an unbroken sentence (or question?):
Not too long ago our great and wise deities of Literature, some overly sombre older professors and crusty, sour-faced, antisocial creatures who tower behind podiums, declared that happy endings are completely uncool, but I'm afraid I must disagree with their conclusion because, being a semi-faithful member of early X Generation (you know us -- defiant and rebellious), I have observed that people of all generations happen to like happy endings very much; why would any of these people, including myself, want to read a story that brings them back to the "real world" of things like sexual harassment and date rape as opposed to a story that takes them away from reality into a world that is rich in colors, positive emotions and unrestrained joyful, perfect endings?
On Indian Country
Ordinarily, all over the good ol U States of 'Murica, shamrocks are quite easy to find..... All you have to do, especially on "white people land"-- even Suburbia, is step two steps off either side of whatever path you are on and you will find them -- in spades!
I spent two and a half days on Indian country out here looking for them. I was tireless and dogged about trying to find them anywhere on Indian land.... Mystifying....
Why would shamrocks be hiding from Indians? Is it cause they kinda have a caste system (like East Indians?) They reject me, and my mom -- even tho she is clearly dark enough to qualify -- because of her LACK of lineage? Doesn't Native America at least deserve the Luck o' the Irish? Where it mayn't be lucky it happened, but you're lucky to have survived (mostly intact) -- Minimal Irish luck
I reached out to the Fae, to the Spirit of the Faeries, the music, the fairy dust, the chaotic goodiness of it all (Nobody FUCKS WITH THE FAE for long, everyone LEARNS) and coaxed the shamrocks to appear.... Coaxed, it'll be alright. Lets take a little journey..... Be brave!!!!
A couple hours later, a small patch appeared in a big field, near the center -- off to the left of a parking lot! "O yea," I said. "It's gonna be fine....."
Something told me, We're giving the whole fucking country back to the Navajo. They won't find too serious of opposition -- Should be simple, but definitely not EASY.</p
Wooooo hoooo FUCK OFF every moron opposed to sovereignity
I created a few acronyms in my lifetime:
J.A.W.S. (Just Add Water Society) The kool-aid brigade. The "put a band-aid on it" people. They gossip, drive mini vans and underneath it all, are sharks. (Karens and Chads, more or less)
H.I.S. (High Intelligence Syndrome) Lacking common sense. (There's a reason its H.I.S. and not H.E.R.S.)
O.V.E.R.: Old, Virile, Energetic, Resourceful. Get OVER it!
A.W.E.: Annoyed With Everyone. Sometimes I am in Awe -- f'real (edited)
A couple words I invented:
Psychogneursis: (pronounced psycho gnur sis) The ability to lower the iq of an entire room just be being in it.
Surreality: (pronounced sir reality) Being in the twilight zone, glitch in the matrix, self-explanatory type of shit irl
"Wow" is mom upside down.
You can lead an ass to water, but you might never even get there.
Children don't stay children forever, even in heaven.
*Truth* -- Even if it ain't in that stupid book
and #Godhatesrape
My Hair
My hair is my self expression, physically. I don't define myself by appearances necessarily, but since I look cis, it's an accessory to me. I have to be aware of what I look like, in general, b/c I navigate in a world where looks are so bloody important to peeps.
They mean life and death sometimes.
I keep these judgments in my safe "stereotype box" where I can apply the stereotype used as often as any toxin, vice or spice kinda thing. Some need to be addressed @ any given time more than others.
I am an activist, Bard, and warrior. I believe the pen mightier than the sword. These are the ways I express myself fully. I want to LIVE, not just survive.
Listening to Music
I don't know what I'd do without music. I need to have my music. I pretty much like anything that isn't twangy country and western, punk or speed metal. Janet Jackson is my favorite female solo artist. Peter Gabriel is probably my favorite male solo artist. Pink Floyd is probably my favorite band, with U2 a close second. I really enjoy some alternative music at times like the Cult, Loreena McKennitt, and Concrete Blonde -- I particularly enjoy Concrete Blonde. Johnette Napolitano can really rock.
I've been listening to fellow survivor Moira Greyland who underwent hell at the hands of ultra famous author Marion Zimmer Bradley -- who wrote the Mists of Avalon series. I read the whole series and it seemed like a incestuous rapists apologists manifesto to me, so I did some digging into the history of the author and discovered there were serious allegations against both the author and her husband by their kids. Moira Greyland is an author of The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon which is available on Amazon. She is a conservative, evangelical, and right wing advocate for survivors. I do not agree with her politics, but I am still 110% behind her and have nothing but admiration for the sheer pluck and grit that have made her survive what can only be described as the deepest level of hell on Earth.
I commented on the Kindle version of her autobiography and I am making my comments available here
- Moira Greyland
- Janet Jackson
- Peter Gabriel
- Pink Floyd
- Metallica
- U2
- The Cult
- Loreena McKennitt
- Concrete Blonde
Top Five Favorite Songs of all time -- No particular order
This song is about me!
So is this one
And this one (I have 3)
I find that I associate certain bands and songs with time periods and people who have been in my life. They give me memories. Comedy movies and good music never fail to lighten my mood.
From my mom in Heaven:
For my mom in Heaven:
For my "stepmonster"
My father's song:
Human Rights Advocacy
The oppression and violence has gone far enough. People need to do something, even if it's just a little, and even if it hurts. This is how the "Reign of Terror" got started last time. Maybe your life is going good right now and you've come into "sudden good fortune" -- share the "wealth." Maybe you've suddenly had a rash of bad luck -- please help anyway. I am only one.
To me, compassion and empathy are the same thing. It means that a person is willing to walk a mile in another person's shoes. Compassion means to feel passionately another person's feelings, or as closely as possible. It's not sympathy, which is more like pity. It's feeling another person's pain and/or respecting it. Compassion towards the self means seeing both sides of an issue. It means not putting yourself down or beating yourself up. It's like not assuming you're stupid, just because you did something stupid, or that you're a bad person just because you did something wrong. Admitting powerlessness over an addiction is a form of compassion. It means acception that we are limited, fallible, and human, and not putting ourselves down for being human. My life would have been different had I been more compassionate towards myself in the past when I refused to accept my limitations with other's behavior. I am now more compassionate towards myself, which means I am more forgiving of the things I did and accepting that I just can't control certain things or behaviors in others. I probably would have found peace and serenity sooner had I been different.
"In a small segregated country called Zebra, the Sun minority has relegated the Shade majority to reservations far from the cities and the centers of power. The government is a dictatorship. The dictator, as well as the majority, knows nothing of the culture's mores, values or spiritual inclinations of the Shades; nevertheless, fear and control of the Shades is behind every governmental decision. It is fully believed that, if the Shades come near prominence or power, the entrire way of being of the country would be altered. The minority does not fear for its lives; it fears for its way of life. To change this would be 'worse than death.' One day there is a serious power outage; the power lines have been cut. Up to this point, energy has been the major export of this country. The country is paralyzed. The Shades do not deny they cut the lines, but assert that the power has always belonged to them...."
from "Personal Disarmament" Deena Metzger ReVision magazine, Spring 1990 and Ordinary Magic.