I am a Christian Wiccan High Priestess

I was ordained by the Universal Life Church on March 29, 2007
Love rules
"Heaven" is written in the stars, if you see Orion as the letter "H"
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds of the air, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish of the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
Job 12:7-8
1 Corinthians 7:31 31 And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away.

Finding Peace in a Conflicted World Podcast on Spotify
I offer angel readings in a solitary Celtic Druid tradition. I believe Fairie magic is the highest form of Chaos magic and follow Fae traditions and “rules."
I offer counseling and guidance for people trying to escape or cope with domestic violence and sexual assault. I am a trained survivor’s advocate. I do not charge for crisis services.
Link to My ShopThe Hippie on the Beach -- story submission to Guideposts
Sample Collaborative Contract
My expectations and what I would want from a collaborations as well as the value of my contributions are on this sample contract I have drawn up here
Peace is Friendship
Road Rage?
I'm curious how I'd go about proving that road rage is "more than" an emotion. I mean I know its tied to aggression for sure, which is a drive, like "lust."
The reason I'm curious about this is because I've had lots of experience with sociopathic narcissists (I was raise by three of them), have been involved with many since I left home and worked for and with even more than that. I've had lots of time and opportunity to "study the enemy" more or less.
These people do not experience normal emotions. Love is beyond them, for sure (even though love is also more than an emotion). Love is an academic idea to these people. Things like sadness, regular anger, fear, and joy are things they can mimic but do not feel. I'd even go so far as to say that hate is beyond them as well. Indifference is the default setting for a sociopathic narcissist. They don't experience emotional pain at all….
But they do have drives. They have the drive to eat, sleep and to copulate. They do experience sadism and especially have a lust for power, more or less, experiencing sexual pleasure when they are in charge and a desire to conquer. They feel physical pain.
I've noticed they do get irritated. If they get more irritated, the agitation is genuine. They skip anger and usually go from nothing to road rage in "60 seconds" kinda of thing. Why they should experience "irritation" when they do not experience other emotions including regular anger baffles me.
It is dangerous to irritate these people. Retaliation is usually imminent if someone persists in irritating them -- the equivalent to handing someone holding a gun, bullets. Fighting with them is dangerous because of this. If you win the fight, they will remember and swear revenge. They will retaliate, just not RIGHT NOW, kind of thing.
It is always wise to "pick your battles" with these people. They understand might makes right, but retaliation is still possible in the future if they see an opening. If you are smart enough, they can be outsmarted. The smart ones tend to excel at book learning, mimicry, but do not have any understanding of natural consequences of their actions. Its always someone elses fault….
Baffling them with bullshit is a good tactic, so long as you don't give them a way into your insecurities, doubts and into your feels kind of thing. But they will retaliate by using what you did to make you look crazy. It is always best if you are not able to defend yourself, to confront them around witnesses.
Why is road rage the exception though? How would one go about figuring that out?
Commandments of the Goddess
a. Thou Shalt Not Rape (includes molesting children)
b. Thou Shalt Not Commit Hate Violence (includes sexual harrassment and/or battering)
c. Honor the children:don't smack them, shake them or call them names. Don't imprison them or isolate them from friends. Don't be cruel to them or make fun of them. Listen to them, love them, and hold them while you still can.
Wiccan rede: Do what thou wilt, so long as you harm none on purpose
Goddess Christian Bard
Bards are the musical storytellers of the Celtic Druids. Now I am not a "card-carrying" druid, but I have studied druidry extensively. Druids are basically Celtic shamans, more or less, and I am very familiar with all aspects of shamanism. I firmly believe in my Goddess and Jesus, both. I love both.
I have compiled a list of herbal remedies. Of course they aren't scientifically tested and I promise nothing regarding them. I do know that echinacea works wonders for colds and goldenseal works great as an antibiotic. I researched several books and came up with like 15 potential anti-cancer herbs but as I said, I know nothing about whether they would work and promise nothing and am neither a certified herbalist nor a doctor. Here is the compiled list of herbs.
"Spare the rod and spoil the child" means that it is your responsibility to make sure your children grow up straight as a rod, lest they be spoiled. It is NOT a license to smack them around!
Children are not evil. They make mistakes, learn through mimickry, and don't understand money. God gives all children time to grow up.
Lucky Coins
I love creating coins of "fortune" more or less...
Pennies: "Karma pennies". Usually 2 @ a time (for ). You put two pennies in your left hand (left hand for receiving ofc) and pull all the karma in the air for the place you wanna leave em. Then transfer to the right hand (giving hand) add your personal karma and pitch em.....
Nobody will ever suspect
Nickels: "Wooden nickel" or "Nickelback" nickels. Gives them a balance dose of karma.
Dimes: "Mercury dime" ALWAYS. Think of Freddie. Mercury adds charm to speech and flexibility. Mercury is spontaneous
Quarters: "Lucky quarters" give the recipient all the luck.
Half Dollar: "Half & half" coins. Used when things tend to be a 49-48/52-51 balance of curse/blessings. Be creative with it!
On Human Rights in the USA....
This is a link on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
This was broken into two covenants. "The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) were intended to provide a legally binding codification of the rights listed in the Declaration."
The first of which was adopted by the USA. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
The second was not accepted by the United States at all: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
This link has some interesting facts on human rights
Interesting, no?
Magical Projects
I did three big magical projects in my lifetime.
First, was a world peace spell, that carried thru till now. I started it back in 1999 with a circle of six turquoise stones and some frankincense, myhrr, and amber incense stones at the base of window rock.
I left my heart at Window Rock, Mesa AZ.
Hope to see it again someday.
Next was a giant worldwide love spell to make everybody fall in love with everyone. Three month construction cast in September or so.
Third was the rock spell to teach the Statue of Liberty some dance moves.
All Faerie magic -- chaotic good wild magic-- with a bit of Terry Brooks wishsong thrown in.
Keep Plant Life Legal!!!
Green Spirituality!
I'm for not making any plants illegal. At all. Period.
I don't believe that growing any plant that grows naturally should ever be considered illegal. That means, in case you're not catching my drift, I am 100% for legalizing marijuana.
As many of you know, I am an addict, and I am in recovery. My drug of choice in the end was pot. I was the biggest pothead you've ever seen near the end of my active addiction. Other addicts thought I was an addict -- although I suspect that was more because I didn't want to spend money I didn't have on my d.o.c. and was smoking a lot of theirs, instead and not so much that I was smoking more than they were…..
In recovery we say "a drug is a drug". On one side of the coin that is true. They all fuck you up. They screw up your memory, they screw up your processing of emotions, they distance you from emotions and other things. On the other side of the coin, "some drugs kill you, some don't" and marijuana doesn't kill people. Even alcohol kills people and that’s legal….
Alcohol and Benzo withdrawals (when addicted) kill people if not monitored.
As it stands, with marijuana being illegal, grow operations are illegal. They are "protected" by drug lords. They are patrolled by "gangs."
I may not agree with the government or its methods. I'm 100% with Natives on my stance against the government.
But there are worse organizations out there than our government.
Legalizing marijuana would solve much of the gang war mentality over the plant.
Pot *is* addictive. I will die on that hill. I was smoking the shit just before social workers would come over during visitations with my daughter. I was smoking it in front of little kids. I was driving under the influence all the time, etc.
But, that I was so severely investigated and drug through the wringer and subjected to so much bullshit, scrutinized and lied about over my daughter over marijuana only *is* pure bullshit. That they tried to give her to a convicted sex offender (who was indulging in crack cocaine) instead -- her father -- just pisses me off.
She's an adult now. Nothing can change the past now.
I will stay in recovery and if we ever meet don't smoke it around me, thank you. Idc if you indulge, just don't do it in front of me, or in my house. I found I don't need nothin but air to find God.
End of story
This is:
Peace, love and chocolate!
Hey morons
If y'all got raptured tomorrow and left me a nice car with the keys in it I could go on my trip and see all the rocks and trees and rivers and nobody would f*cking bother me now would they? That's all that's left worth seeing anyhow. The concrete jungles are really f*ugly I ain't worried about lions and tigers and bears. Just morons with attitude
What I want:
Material things are like only 85% replaceable ykno..... Some things simply ain't.
IF I had cash I know what 4 things I want fer sure:
Lucille ball's house
The Winchester house
The redwood log "cabin"/mansion I spent the night in in 1998
An amethyst smoke jag WITH cat on the hood. I don't want a fiberglass sports car ever
Essays that I wrote
There is no rape, child abuse, racism or any other kind of violence up in heaven. There is no hate up in heaven. Love rules.
I have a dream....
To build this place.... For children like me and my ex girlfriend who shouldn't ever have to go "home" to that
Peace, love, freedom and happy endings.