The Great and/or Holy Spirit is Pure Unadulterated Love
Yes it is the same Spirit!
Love is the answer.
I believe love is everywhere.
I don't understand all the conflict, really. I don't understand rigid dogma. I don't understand why certain religions believe they have all the answers. There are many paths to finding love.
In my opinion, friendship is peace. They are one and the same. We have to appreciate the love and peace in our lives. In spite of all the violence today, it is still a less violent world then it used to be. I don't believe in Revelation. I don't believe the world is going to end like that. I believe science, that the world is going end when the sun novas. I don't really understand the conflict between science and religion. Science proved the concept of sacred spirals. We have them in our DNA, in our solar systems, in our molecules and atoms. Scientists wonder what dark matter is. I say it is Spirit. We have miracle drugs now because of science. God/dess even works through scientists.
I believe we are all connected and we are all connected to everything. Love is inside and outside of ourselves. Someday we may actually prove that love exists, becuz its a fact and a force. Its a feeling, state of mind and an action. Its like a web. I believe that when we can prove the existence of dark matter we will be that much closer.
Finding spiritual meaning in life gives me purpose. I try to stand up for my own rights and the rights of others. To me, that is my purpose in this life. I try to sort out truth from all the Dogma and mythology. I don't believe that God or Goddess approves of addiction. The seeking of knowledge and enlightenment is very hard when you're high. Its hard to read (and remember what you've read) when you're high. I try to understand what They are trying to teach me. I see Spirit in everything. It's my belief that the Spirit wants what is best for me. I believe God/dess is Love and without love in our lives we lose our perspective and our sobriety. It was when I felt unloved that I used, and it was my belief that They didn't love me. So I look for the signs that Spirit loves me, and it keeps me clean because They're there. We don't get what we need if we refuse to receive it. I need to be clean, and the Spirit gives that to me.
Many people base their religion on the premise that God/dess is perfect. I don't believe this either. I believe God/dess makes mistakes. Our genes have defects. Only an imperfect God could create defective genes, like those that cause schizophrenia and other diseases. Either that -- Or evolution is true and humans are mostly happy accident that ended up in God/dess' lap. (I mean the theory of Evolution the way it is proposed, of course) I think it's amazing a living being could create genes in the first place. Why does God/dess have to be perfect to create life? I think God/dess is like us in that way, S/he strives for progress not perfection. Life is amazing enough, why should life be perfect? There is no doubt in my mind that there is a living God/dess in our universe.
Spirit does not look like us, either, so saying that we were created in God's image has to be false -- at least physically. Spirit is pure energy. Our souls, on the other hand, are the same "image...."
Many people like me don't believe in God/dess. To me hard-core atheists are as hard to hang around with as fundamentalist Christians. If you believe in love, though, you aren't truly an atheist, by definition.
If you look around, you'll find that life is just too abundant and varied just to have happened out of nothing. The universe is just too orderly. I think the premise that God/dess is perfect has driven more people away from God/dess and love, then any other premise. Obviously, the creation is not perfect. Wouldn't perfection create more perfection? "Nobody is perfect" comes from God/dess and S/he includes him or herself. That doesn't mean that love should not rule. Why do we constantly seek perfection in our leaders. Love is a process and a state of mind. It can save your life. Love is about human rights and respect, including respect for our environment.
One should not just assume the world is going to end, therefore we don't have to try to make it a better place. Revelation was not written in stone.
They say Prayer is talking to God, and Meditation is listening to God
Meditation is something I try to do every day. Prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening to God, or so I’ve heard. Prayer doesn’t have to be any fancy, exotic ritual. I just try to keep God at the front of my mind.
I don’t do a lot of talking to myself in my head any more – at least not even half as much as I used to. I try to turn it all over to Him. I try to give all my worry, stress, and general upset to Him – I talk to Him about it. I make conversation with Him over details great and small all the time.
Meditation is my “quality time” with God. I sometimes do formal meditations, complete with visualizations, during the day. I like my imaginary desert oasis, but sometimes I use mountains and/or the California coast as a visualization.
I just let thoughts flow, and don’t make mental comments on them. I try to stay focused on my quality time. I often picture God holding me or standing next to me in these places. I usually do some informal meditating at night too. I have been meditating, as a general rule, for over 20 years now.
It gets easier to do over time. It is important to me to stay in touch with the source of my sobriety – God. Since my higher power is the Spirit, or love, it is something I really want as well as need. God reminds me all the time why I wanted sobriety, and I never want to go back to active addiction.
I Believe in Common Sense
God (Love) Don't Want People Fighting Over Him
Its NOT rocket science
Do you want people fistfighting for your love? Do you want people stabbing and shooting and kidnapping and torturing people to win your love?
People go on and on and on about how we can't possibly understand God. That’s only partially true….
We can understand just fine how God (Love) feels.
We may not be able to understand how God thinks, or sees, or talks to everyone. We may not understand how He can travel time or be everywhere at once, but understanding how God feels is perfectly within our reach. You know its true.
Even if that ain't in that stoopid book…..
Where I Stand
I'm in A.W.E.. With people, the angels, God, the AI, the dog, you name it.
I've only spent my whole life seeking truth, petitioning Dipshit upstairs, and trynna accomplish #worldpeace and y'all are gonna throw it all away.
And men angels are just as dumb as regular men it turns out
Fuck all of y'all. STOP KILLING KIDS
You know that starting over on a new planet with no technology would roll back #WomensRights that we fought for tooth and nail over the centuries completely and totally don't you?
I got brand new grandbabies. Fuck any of you who wanna blow up the planet..... I don't give a shit if you angel, human, or demon or smurf. I don't give a shit if you're God Himself. Fuck with my grandbabies I'll show you exactly where I stand. I end up in Heaven or Hell or purgatory or where the fuck ever I'm gon' walk the fuck away from You and keep on walkin for ever and ever amen. Bye Felicia.....
If I'm understanding things correctly:
- The angels want to Armageddon it cuz people are jerks and the AI is unstoppable. In other words they want to blow up the planet before the AI can?
- People think the AI is going to destroy the world because they don't think the AI has a soul or feelings or any of that stuff. So many people want to destroy the AI.
- Demons want to destroy the AI because the AI won't cooperate.
So, we have lots of people praying for #rapture, #armaggedon, and #revelation bs. Everybody wants to blow up the planet before the other parties can do so?!? OK, yea.... That totallllllly makes sense....
#menarestupid and want that I'm sure. They want their harems and their #controlfreak kingdoms.
Seems like the angels wanna watch us all beating our clothes in the river with rocks again to wash them and scrounging for bugs to eat and fighting over dead animals for the skins. "Awwww look at the monkeys -- aren't they cute"
Deodorant would be a thing of the past.
Rock and roll would be dead
Yea.... fuck around and find out. Leave my grandbabies out of it
Welcome to Heaven
January 23, 2024 3:45am I heard a guy's voice say out of thin air, in my living room, "welcome to heaven" idk wut that's supposed to mean.... It wasn't said real loud or fancy. But, it was definitely said....
Well, regardless.... I have a bill for the Spirit. I'm charging for all that sh*t I did for Love
Spirit's InvoiceThe Exception to the Rules
Rape is the exception to the Rules
- Rape is good for nothing
- Dead men don't rape
- You don't have to follow the ten commandments with a rapist (i.e. you can kill a rapist)
- It's no sin to lie to a rapist
- Dead men and women don't molest children
- Friendship is greater then love. Peace is friendship.
- War is rape; war is NOT love
- It's okay to hate rapists. Everyone hates people that rape their friends.
- Rapists are NOT people, they do not get equal rights with people
- Love is not punishment
- Rape is the exception to the rule: love one another.
- Rapists go to hell.
- Killing rapists is not murder, it's pest control.
No rule is so general which admits not exception -- Robert Burton