Who Does This?
Perpetrators come from all walks of life and social strata. Perpetrators are not "sick" or "mentally ill" as a general rule. They are just evil. Although, often a mental health diagnosis is used for not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect pleas in courtrooms.
The devil often has a great deal to do with sexual abuse, especially that of children. He orchestrates and plots ways to gain control of humanity, and using rape or sexual abuse is one of his favorite M.O.s Many people who have survived sexual abuse as children tell of ritual abuse in the context of black or blood magic rituals. Now, this is not to say that the devil made the perpetrator do it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Perpetrators are willing and able to commit these crimes. It's just that usually he or she wants something from the devil -- money, power, prestige. Many perpetrators honestly believe the devil will grant them special powers and privileges as demons in Hell if they obey him.
It was never the simple matter of telling God that He is wrong or questioning God that got the devil kicked out of Heaven. It was because the devil wanted to be in charge, to be God, and to control others through abuse and assault. It was his intention to molest children that God found particularly offensive.
Sexual abuse and assault is committed because the perpetrator wants power and control of others. Sexual desire has nothing to do with it. Every last person who raped or assaulted me was a racist. Rapists are haters and haters are usually rapists. Many members of the KKK, radical religious groups who perpetuate murder and violence, and neo-Nazi groups are rapists and child molesters. Almost all stalkers are also rapists.
These people do feel guilt for their crimes (unless they frequently use drugs or other substances.) They just choose not to share it with people often, and it is not enough to stop them from repeating the crime
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence is usually accompanied by sexual violence. If a man beats up his "girlfriend" and then wants sex, is that not rape? Abusive relationships usually have sexual abuse as a component to the desire for power and control the perpetrator wants over the object of his "affection." Batterers often cloak their hatred in "angry" reactions at their partners. Make no mistake, violence stems from hatred, not anger.
Signs & Symptoms of Abusive Behavior
95% of abusers are men. They often have rabid jealousy and possessiveness as a dominant character trait. They tend to see male/female roles in a "traditional" light. They tend to be externally oriented -- this means they believe that external things are responsible for their internal turmoil, and they blame external places, people and things for their behavior. They are often slick talkers, and will pander to those they believe have more power then they do. They are cowards and often tell people what they think they want to hear. Almost all abusers/rapists are accomplished B.S. artists. They take no responsibility for their actions and will not be held accountable.
Power and control tactics used by abusers are:
- Economic Abuse -- This includes stealing money, titles and possessions. The abuser often takes over accounts, bills and spends joint funds without permission. It also includes abusing power of attorney.
- Coercion and threats-- A favorite tactic is threatening suicide. Threatening to institutionalize and divorce are also common. Other forms of manipulation often apply
- Intimidation-- Threatening to kill, or harm the victim. Abusing or killing livestock or pets. Displays and/or threatens with weapons.
- Emotional Abuse -- Emotional abuse is serious and damaging. Deliberately making his (or her) victim feel like they are crazy is a common tactic. Humiliation, insulting, demeaning comments, and ridicule are also common tactics of emotional abuse. This also includes withholding affection and using profanity.
- Isolation -- Controlling what another does, who they see, and where they go. It also includes behaviors that chase off family and friends, like unprovoked badmouthing and hitting on friends. It can also include denying access to mail and/or the phone.
- Using/abusing children -- Children are often used as "pawns" in nasty power plays. The abuser thinks if he or she abuses the children it will make his or her victim more amenable to his control. Threatening to take custody of the children through court systems if the victim does not do as he or she desires.
- "Privilege" -- Treating the victim like a servant or slave. Refuses to allow his or her victims any say so in major decision making.
- Minimization and Denial -- Blowing off the emotional response of his victim. Denying that he did anything. Denying that he will do it again
- Spiritual Abuse -- Ridicules the victims spirituality or religion. He does not allow her to attend religious or cultural traditions and ceremonies. Making fun of the victims values, morals and scruples. Prevents victims from practicing religious rituals.
The Question of Sexuality
Gay men and women are no more likely to molest children then any other segment of society. Usually perpetrators define themselves as heterosexual people rather than homosexual.
Perpetrators actually do not enjoy normal sex with people. They do not practice anybody's definition of a normal sexuality or sex life. There is no love in their actions. What I am suggesting is that perpetrators do not have a sexuality or sexual preference as they do not have sex -- much less make love to anyone. Pedophiles are officially classified as being different then the standard sex offender because they are "sexually attracted" to children. However, they are still creeps.
Female offenders are just as guilty and damaging to their victims as any other perpetrator. Society tends to look on them with a stance of annoyed tolerance. There is no more reason to tolerate female perps then any other perpetrator. They are not harmless, and they are not real women, either.