What is Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault is any unwanted sexual contact or intercourse with another person without his or her consent. Sexual assault is about power and control, not sex. It is violence where sex is used as a weapon.
Rape is forced sexual intercourse that involves penetration with a body part or object
Sexual Abuse is any unwanted or non-consensual sexual contact or intercourse with another person within a "relationship". It includes name-calling, refusal to use contraception, causing unwanted pain, and deliberately passing on STDS. Sexual abuse of children is any sexual contact with a child that is performed by an adult or older child.
Domestic Violence usually includes some form of sexual abuse and sexual assault. If a man beats a woman and then tries to "seduce" her, is that not rape? He is using her fear to force compliance to his advances.
Why Didn't God Stop It?
God doesn't like to scare people. It isn't God (or Goddess') style to scare people. Many survivors/victims would be extremely frightened if an invisible "force" were to suddenly rip someone off of them. God doesn't want to scare you away from Him or Her. More then ever, after being assaulted, people need God's help and grace.
In my limited experience working with other survivors/victims of any kind of assault, I have learned that it is quite common for people who have been victimized to defend the attacker. Also, attackers are someone's child, someone's nephew (or niece) and sometimes somebody's parent as well. An attackers family can sometimes be the staunchest defenders of that person and his or her behavior.
Most of the time, sexual assault has little or nothing to do with the victim. It has more to do with God and/or Goddess then many people would think or suspect. Attacks are often committed with the express purpose of getting "a reaction" or attempting to manipulate God into doing something for the attacker. Sometimes it is out of revenge because the attackers really hate God. God doesn't do things for people when they try to manipulate Him or Her into doing them, God does not like having His hand forced any more then any other person. Attackers get pleasure from making God mad because they hate God.
Should I Report It?
I am of the firm opinion that it is completely up to you. Although statistics prove that false reports of rape/sexual assault are no more common then say, false reports of theft or any other crime, it is a crime where the burden of proof seems to rest squarely on the shoulders of it's victims. I find this unacceptable and I don't do rape exams. I find them more traumatic then the actual assault, since a rape exam can take more then an hour or two to complete. Usually, without "proof" prosecuters will not pick up a sexual assault case, and they often go univestigated even if they are reported.
Without prosecution, many perpetrators go out and commit the same crime again. Many survivors feel braver and more responsible if they go through the whole process of getting their attacker imprisoned. A prior history of sexual violence does not mean it is easier to convict repeat offenders, in fact, in my limited experience, the court system seems to believe the "rehabilitation" for sex offenders works in spite of all evidence to the contrary. Many sex offenders do not "discriminate" in their choice of victims either. A rapist is just as likely to rape a child as an adult female, a boy as a girl. Statistics back up the fact that many child abductors are also sex offenders as well.
Rape is a hate crime:
If someone is hurting you, at the very least, turn them in to Jesus or Great Spirit. Remember, it's not your fault. You have not sinned. You can and should turn them in to the school faculty, police counselors, and CPS. If you are afraid to turn them in to the police because you don't want to undergo a rape exam, that's alright. You should be able to turn them in to the police even if you don't undergo the rape exam. If you are a child, the only adults you have to listen to are your parents, if they are not abusive. Adults do things that are wrong all the time, don't always know what they are talking about, and sometimes they lie (especially in history books). Please don't blame your mother if your father or her "boyfriend" is hurting you both. Men are bigger and stronger then women. Adults don't always know what to do about violence and often do things wrong trying to protect children.