Spiritual Healing

God Hates Rape

Was I raped?

If you are questioning whether or not it was rape, it probably was. It does not matter if or how much you resisted. Many women and children do not resist as much as they think they should have because they fear getting hurt worse or being attacked by blows or weapons. Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual contact. Just because a woman submits to sexual contact, that does not mean she is willing. If you had a physical reaction to being touched that does not mean you did something wrong, either. There is also date rape and other forms that rape can take. Women do not owe men sex because he has spent money, time or anything else on her. It is especially rape if the survivor/victim was unconscious, asleep or could not remember the whole experience.

What I've Always Wondered:

We want to know why you don't love us? Aren't you supposed to? How can you want to get inside our bodies and not want to stay with us? Why do you play games that hurt? How come you don't want to share on a soul level? What's the matter with you? Tell me... Why do you expect us to work our butts off for you for free? Why do you give us little green pieces of paper and then expect us to chase you around? You don't love our children. The more we do for you, the less you love us? Why do you kill our sons as soon as they grow up? Why do you sever all love between a mother and a child? Do you think we're so feeble we can only love one person without wanting to sleep around? Why do you believe war is some kind of educational tool? Why do you do everything in your power to divorce yourself from your feelings? Who said feelings originate in "the heart;" maybe they originate in the soul? How can you assume that not getting laid is more important than not getting raped? Sex is the least of the evils, rape is the greatest. Why won't you do justice for us? What exactly do you want to accomplish? Did you know your sister has been raped at least three times? Did you know your mother has been through three times as much as your sister? Who told you you could turn your back on the family that loves you to chase money? Why do you insist on teaching us violence by whatever means you can dig up, and then lock us up for what you shoved down our throats? How can you possibly view yourselves as superior when you all seem to do everything you can to kill love? Why do you lie and deny it? Why do you teach us hatred and then expect us to love the teacher of that lesson? Why do you glorify yourself by climbing on your mother's and sisters' backs and then give no credit? Don't blame it on Jesus, He was entitled to His own experience. Why do you think you're entitled to something that is ours from birth? Who sent Jesus to be raped in Hell? I really want to know; I give up on you penis touting creatures. Most of you carry that thing in your hands like its pretty. Its not. Its not that unique either, keep it in your pants! We value things you refuse to cultivate in your desire to exalt your sex organs. Yuck. We love real men.
psst: That's the devil in your head!

Feminists Oppose...